Established 1970
For enquiries phone or fax 01986 892621 or email
Established 1970
For enquiries phone or fax 01986 892621 or email
IMPORTANT NOTICE ! I have been selling Football Programmes full time for over 50 years now and hope to semi-retire soon. If anybody is intersted in purchasing my business or part of it please contact myself - Steve Earl
This is our latest catalogue (Updated 6th February 2025) and the programmes listed are the only ones currently available. We give a FREE PROGRAMME (our choice) to each New Customer requesting our Paper Catalogue. If you require a copy please supply your postal address. Updated paper catalogues are issued periodically and are sent to every existing customer.
PROGRAMME STOCK ! We usually have more than one copy of most games available. For recently received stock please check our NEW ARRIVALS section - this is updated regularly. Certain games without a specific date means that only one game is available. This particularly applies to Scottish Teams who play each other more than once. Also postponed games etc. For these games just order the dates you require (this helps us save time spent checking). If we cannot supply them we will always return your remittance. Most of our programmes are in near mint condition. In the unlikely event you receive programmes from us not in acceptable condition they may be returned for better copies. For any matches sold out we will send alternatives, a credit note, or money refund. Please state your preference.
PROGRAMME PRICES ! Generally these are listed at the end of every season (e.g. £3 means the programmes cost £3 each). Usually the home teams are in bold type. However Big Match programmes are priced individually. (Please note for us to make a reasonable profit on some of the more recent Big Match programmes we have to charge above the cover price). If you find any of our programmes to be cheaper on any other dealers current websites we will do our best to beat their price. To take advantage of this offer you need to phone us with all the details and have your Credit / Debit Card to hand as this offer only applies to the duration of the call. Please note programmes must be of similar condition.
ORDERING PROGRAMMES ! This can be done by Phone, E.mail, Post and Bank Transfer.
Phone - When phoning advise us of your requirements and have your Credit/Debit Card details to hand.
E.Mail - Make a list your requirements and supply your Credit / Debit Card or PayPal details. Please note if paying by PayPal an extra 50p per £10 ordered will be required to cover their charges (unless you use Friends & Family).
Post - Please write your requirements on the order form or a separate sheet of paper and send it with your remittance. Cheques, Postal Orders, Sterling Bank Drafts, Travellers Cheques, Money orders etc.(all made payable to Steve Earl Football Programmes). Also acceptable unused British Stamps and Cash (however it is unadvisable to send cash unless registered - Pounds, Euros, Dollars and most Foreign Notes welcomed). (Countries with currency difficulties may pay through Western Union to Stephen Earl).
Bank Transfer - Santander, Sort Code: 09-01-50, Account Name: Steve Earl Football Programmes Ltd, Account Number: 03486915. (BIC - ABBYGB2LXXX, IBAN - GB25ABBY09015003486915).
POSTAGE & PACKING CHARGES ! These are listed below and on the Order Form. If your remittance is incorrect programmes will be enclosed accordingly.
FREE ! During the the course of the season we intend to give away thousands of programmes with orders. You may be lucky and receive one. You will not know until you receive your order back.
DELIVERY ! Most orders will be returned within a week. If yours has not arrived within a fortnight, please phone or write again stating full details.
QUERIES ! If you have any don’t hesitate to phone us on 01986 892621 (Overseas 0044 1986 892621), or phone or text us on 07857 757950 or e.mail us -
POSTAGE & PACKING CHARGES (for Customers in the UK)
£2 for orders up to £9.50,
£3 for orders of £10 - £24.50,
£4 for orders of £25 - £49.50,
£5 for orders of £50 and over.
(For an extra 50p orders will be sent in a Protective Envelope or in Bubble Wrap).
Overseas Customers (including the Republic of Ireland and the Channel Isles) additional postage will be required.
Please note if paying by PayPal an extra 50p per £10 ordered is required to cover their charges.
We will try and send all orders by 1st Class Mail (postage permitting). Any excess postage charges will be returned.
The Plastic Pockets are clear, and are durable with reinforced edges. Each Pocket holds 1 or 2 normal size programmes (including the square ones). The Minimum order is 100.
100 for £7.50 or 300 for £15
The New Ring Binders are in assorted colours so you can customize to your requirements. Each Binder has 2 rings and will hold up to approximately 25 Plastic Pockets (including programmes).
The Minimum order is 4.
4 for £10 or 20 for £30
Our Postal Address Is :
Steve Earl Football Programmes, Broad Street, BUNGAY Suffolk, NR35 1AH
Steve Earl Football Programmes © 2020 | Site Managed by Red Dune